First solo exhibition of Carlos Azañedo in New York.
This exhibition brings together a wide sample of Carlos’ large-format works. The paintings depict the two main subjects in which the artist is currently working: cityscapes and landscapes. The artist sees cityscapes and landscapes similarly from a compositional and conceptual point of view.
For this solo exhibition, Carlos has devoted particular attention to the subject of landscape. The exhibition presents imaginary landscapes that combine the memories and experiences that Carlos has internalised during his various travels. The exhibition also features several watercolors and inks on paper that the artist created in New York City, trying to capture its complexity and urban vitality. In his paintings, Carlos seeks to reflect the natural light and atmosphere of different scenarios through a broad palette of colours. He also aims to capture movement, whether it be the breeze of nature or the hustle and bustle of the city. Through compositions that invite you to let your imagination run wild, Carlos makes you feel as if you are in an idyllic natural setting or in the turmoil of a vibrant city.